Using SQL Utility to rename a standard

This topic contains information about the legacy SQL Utility, which is being phased out from GainSeeker Suite. It is still available for use in version 8.3, but is being replaced by the new GainSeeker SQL Utility function in the GainSeeker Utility module.

Renaming a standard example

Following is an example of changing a standard using the SQL Utility:

The process used is to create a new standard, copy all the data from an existing standard to the new standard, and then delete the existing standard. Before launching the SQL Utility, you must create a new standard. This will be the standard that your existing data gets copied to.

Once you have created your new standard, launch the SQL Utility. To launch the SQL Utility, run Sqlutil.exe located in the directory designated for your executables.

  1. Click on the drop down list for Change Type and select Data.

  2. Select Part Number for Field to change.

  3. Select your existing Standard in the Current Value list.

  4. Select your new Standard in the New value list.

  5. Click the Run SQL button.

  6. At the prompt, click OK to execute the statement.

This will update all the tables in your entire database. Once the process is complete you can remove your old standard.