Changing colors of non-text items

To change the colors of individual items on charts, click the Colors tab and follow the steps below:

  1. In the Apply chart colors to list, click an item you want to change.

    Items used by the current chart are marked by an asterisk.  

    If you plan to save new color settings as defaults for all of your charts, either on this workstation or on all workstations, you may want to modify items that will apply to other types of charts but are not used by the current chart.  These items are not marked by an asterisk.

  2. Select a color from the Color list.  Choose your colors carefully to present information clearly.  If you plan to print charts on a regular basis, a white background is recommended to minimize use of printer ink or toner.

  3. If you want to return the selected item to the color originally shipped with the program, click Default.

Repeat these steps to modify as many of the items from the Apply chart colors to list as you want to change.

Note: For Combined Control Charts, the first retrieval group on the chart will be displayed with the Data color. Subsequent retrieval groups are displayed in other colors, in the following order: Blue, Dark red, Yellow, Dark green, Pink, Pale grey, Dark blue, Red, Cyan, Green, Dark pink, Dark grey, Brown.

For example, to display the first retrieval group in Red, the second in Cyan, the third in Green, and so on, set the Data color to Red.