I was intrigued by a recent presentation of important research by Matt Littlefield, founder and CEO of LNS Research.

My take away?

A pure play SPC software implementation (like GainSeeker Suite) is the fastest, surest way to increase throughput, quality, revenue generating capacity, and profitability.

I come to that conclusion for a couple of reasons.

First, compared to other manufacturing and quality systems, a pure play SPC system deploys in a few weeks, and in most cases the payback is large and immediate. We typically deploy GainSeeker in just a week or two, and according to Matt that is fairly typical in our industry. Fast deployment means faster payback. EQMS (Enterprise Quality Management Systems) usually takes 6-12 months to deploy, and ERP systems may take years. If you care about deployment speed and payback, invest first in real-time SPC and use the payback to fund further investment in your manufacturing and quality information system.


Impact of Real-time Visibility of Quality Metrics on OEE
Courtesy of LNS Research

Second, a pure play SPC system delivers as good or better return, compared to an EQMS investment. Here are some stats from LNS’s research:

  • Companies who establish real-time visibility of quality metrics increase median OEE by >7%
  • Companies who establish closed-loop processes to connect quality across the value chain increase median OEE by >9%
  • Companies who implement EQMS increase median OEE by >7%

Our customers use GainSeeker to establish real-time visibility to quality metrics. They use GainSeeker to establish closed-loop processes to connect quality across the value chain.

While EQMS is a good investment, it is harder to deploy and doesn’t deliver a significantly higher return that justifies putting it in front of the SPC deployment.

For most people a system like GainSeeker gives you rapid payback and can fund investment in systems, people, and knowledge.

And since GainSeeker Suite is a pure play system that plays well with others, you don’t have to compromise tight integration when it comes to time to link SPC to EQMS or ERP. GainSeeker helps you break down silos of data.

What about you? Where are you in your quality journey? Write to me at ejmiller [at] hertzler [dot] com. I’d love to hear from you.

One Comment

  1. Matthew Littlefield August 28, 2013 at 4:45 pm

    HI Evan,

    Thanks for quoting our recent research. Based on over 500 survey respondents from a number of different manufacturing industries, we have found that SPC and real time visibility into quality performance has had a substantial impact on performance metrics like OEE, with a median benefit of 7%. It is also important to mention that pure-play solution providers in the SPC space can often implement more quickly and provide a quicker ROI than larger more comprehensive EQMS or MOM software systems.


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