A lot of the time, it’s all about the presentation, isn’t it?

And no matter what you think of PowerPoint (open PowerPoint presentation that I find to be one of the funniest on the web), for most people it is the go-to tool for communicating ideas in business.

With that in mind, we enhanced the Send To menu in GainSeeker Suite with a new option: Send to PowerPoint.

Send to PowerPoint loads PowerPoint and pastes whatever you’re sending into a new slide. In prior releases you could get there, but you had to send the chart to the clipboard, and then flip to PowerPoint and paste it into a slide. It was a lot of busy work.

Now it is just a single click.

At the same time, we also added support for Word (instead of WordPad).

How much do you use PowerPoint and Word to present graphs and analysis? Use the ShareThis button below to mark this page, leave a comment, schedule a conversation, or call 800-958-2709.