I am long overdue in telling you how excited I am about the GainSeeker HELP file.  GainSeeker Help is so powerful and all-knowing!!

Did you know???

  • We have a dedicated employee who writes the GainSeeker Help file?  She is a documentation nut.  When I come back from a customer visit she always asking me for ideas for the next edition of the help file.
  • GainSeeker Help shows the formulas to our statistics!!! Seriously!
  • You can search by keywords
  • Template (and some) Python commands are in there as well!

Are the bullet points above enough to keep you reading along?  I sure hope so.  As a result, why don’t you open GainSeeker right now. Click on the Help->Contents, and follow along!!

The Contents Tab

First of all, I cannot possibly go through everything in here. However; I wish to point out some highlights you may not be aware of.  This tab follows the basic tree structure of navigating.  Click on the plus to the left of the topic to expand it.  For example, lets follow these steps:

    • Click on the plus to the left of Introduction to GainSeeker
    • Click on the plus to the left of What’s New?

Here you will find updates and enhancements of your most recent version of GainSeeker.  As a matter of fact if you expand the previous versions you see what was new and improved in those versions as well.

    • Expand Appendices and then Python Commands.

These are sections of python commands for your benefit (and mine).  You use python code with Inspections and PC Collect.  Actually, this section is designed for our techie advocates wanting to write custom code to customize their PC Collect experience with the operators.

    • Expand the SPC Appendices.

Take a gander at all the information in here. Want to know how we calculate Control Limits or Standard deviation? Those are all topics within this tree structure. Just click and read!

The Index Tab

This is my favorite place for looking up Template commands, or DE_OPT options.  As you start typing the selection narrows underneath.  All the template commands are in upper case.

The Search Tab

This is a great keyword search to help find instructions.

  • Type in Control Charts.  Topics will appear under your keyword in order of rank.
  • Double-click on one of them to see the awesome help file on that topic.

The Favorites Tab

This handy-dandy tab gets no recognition at all.  Did you know it was there?  If you have a certain Help page you constantly go to, why don’t you add it as a favorite? Here is what to do:

  • Make sure the correct Help page is displaying on the right.
  • Click on the Favorites tab.
  • All the way at the bottom there is an Add button. Click that and the Favorites tab now shows your Help page.

Pretty cool stuff right?  I wouldn’t steer you wrong.. AND I’m sure this didn’t take up too much time.  What else can I help you with? Let me know!

Still  have a question?  Use our Ask an Expert page. If you do not have GainSeeker yet I would urge you to schedule a demo!  Oh, and do not forget to tell them that Jen sent ya.