This new benchmark report from the Aberdeen Group focuses on the key drivers of Best-in-Class performance in manufacturing. The report is the first study that links the use real-time data with corporate profitability.

Here is what the Matthew Littlefield, a Senior Research Analyst with the Aberdeen Group and the author of the study had to say:

“Manufacturers attempting to improve both operational and corporate performance should first examine the overall structure of their business processes. As a general theme, we find Best-in-Class manufacturers are most significantly differentiated from their competition by the incorporation of real-time data into these processes. Specifically, Best-in-Class manufacturers are more than twice as likely as Laggard manufacturers to: monitor exceptions on the plant-floor in real-time, use real-time data in production optimization processes, and in using real-time data for production release and control.”

He also said, “To incorporate real-time data into business processes many of the Best-in-Class are looking towards technology. In fact, 55% of the Best-in-Class are currently using automated SPC software, which makes them 38% more likely than Laggard manufacturers to be doing so.”

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