Designing data entry templates

For the simplest kind of SPC data entry, you can use Quick Start to enter data via the keyboard for one standard. To enter data in any other fashion – for example, to enter data on several standards at a time, or to enter data via RS-232 or from a text file – you must create a data entry template.

You use the SPC Designer module to create, modify and delete templates.

Launch the SPC Designer module and log in.

To find a template in the list, type the first few characters of the template name in the Begins with box, and then click Search.

To return to the full list of templates, delete all characters from the Begins with box, and then click Search.

Tip:  To search for items that contain a value but do not necessarily begin with that value, use the "%" wildcard character.

For example, to find all the items that contain "Length", type %Length in the Begins with box.

To find all the items that begin with D and contain "Length", type D%Length in the Begins with box.



Menu options in the SPC Designer

Exporting and Importing templates

Advanced Template Issues

Template Commands Reference