Introduction to the Report Designer window


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The Toolbox

The Toolbox is displayed on the left side of the Report Designer window. It is divided into two parts—a list of report items and the data explorer.

Report items

The top half of the Toolbox displays a list of report items.

The highlighted item determines what will be added when you click on the layout area of the report. (The Pointer is not actually a report item; instead, it means that clicking on the layout area of the report will not add a new item to the report.) You can also drag and drop an item from this list onto the layout area of the report.

Some of these report items—Table, List, Banded List, Matrix, and Chart—are specially categorized as Data Regions. This means that they can contain other report items (including other data regions) to repeat for all rows of information in a single dataset.

Note: The Subreport item is not implemented for GainSeeker Dynamic Reports at this time.


Note: When using the Image report item where the data source is External, you must enter the full path and file name for the Value property. If you fail to enter the path, the image may be displayed on the layout area and the preview window but will not be displayed when you view the report.

Data Explorer

The lower half of the Toolbox displays the Data Explorer.

The Data Explorer contains four basic categories of information that can be used on your report:

Data Sources and Datasets

GainSeeker automatically creates the GainSeeker data source for you. Depending on the type of report and the Retrieval Settings you specified for this dynamic report, GainSeeker will also provide one or more datasets for the values that GainSeeker will provide to the report:

The example shown above is for a Mixed report that contains one SPC retrieval named "A-50 Parts" and one DMS retrieval named "Molding process".


Data type:

Row Number

DMS Opportunities

DMS Real-time failures

SPC Real-time failures

SPC Subgroup Size




DMS Trace Cost

DMS OEE Available

DMS OEE Scheduled




DMS Sample Size

DMS Sum Defects



DMS Defects

SPC Data

SPC X-bar

SPC Range

SPC Moving range

SPC Sigma


Most strings that contain only numbers will accept formatting for decimals simply by setting the Format property. If that does not function as desired, you can use functions like ToDouble() or ToInt32() in the Value property to return a numeric value that will accept numeric formatting.

Strings that contain date/time values will only accept other Format property if you first set their value using ToDateTime().

For example: The Date_Time value listed in the DataDetail dataset is recognized by this module as a string value instead of a true date/time value. If you need to change the format of these date/time stamps, you should: first change the Value property from =Fields!Date_Time.Value to =ToDateTime(Fields!Date_Time.Value) . Then you can change the Format property to one of the predefined format codes for dates and times or enter a custom format string (e.g., yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss). For more information on custom format strings, see the Microsoft Developer Network website.

To retrieve information from sources outside of the GainSeeker database, you can define another Data Source and dataset.

Note: If you create or edit a dataset in order to add or change a field in that dataset, avoid using the following characters in the Name of any field:




















You can use parameters to filter the information displayed in reports. For more information, see Parameters.

Embedded Images

You can import an image file into your report as an embedded image which can be displayed by the "image" report item. For more information, see Embedded images.

Common Values

These are values that are commonly displayed on reports. For more information, see Global Collections.

The Layout area and Property grid

The Layout area is displayed in the center of the Report Designer window and allows you to work with the report layout, add custom code to the report, and preview the report. (Note: The link to screencasts is not functional.)

You can use the property grid to modify some of the contents and formatting of the selected report item on the layout area. You can also use it to modify properties of the report and the body of the report.

Working with the layout area, the property grid, and Smart Panels

When the button is selected, you can:

The Smart Panel for an item typically contains more options than the property grid for that item. For more information, see Smart Panel Guide.

Adding custom code to the report

To add custom code to your report, click the  button. For more information, see Custom Code. You can also try the Custom code sample: use "number of decimals" to format numbers and the Custom code sample: count unique values.

Note: Your custom code may not work correctly if it is used in conjunction with a field whose name contains one of the following characters:



















If you create or edit a dataset in order to add or change a field in that dataset, avoid using the these characters in the Name of any field.

Previewing the report

To quickly preview your report as you work, click the  button.

Note: When you are previewing a report in Dynamic Reports and click on another Windows program, it may take the focus away from the Dynamic Reports module. When you preview a report, it is recommended that you click the Layout button before working with another Windows program to minimize this risk.

For more information, see Previewing.

Other tasks

Saving changes to the report

At any time, you can save your changes to the report by clicking the button, clicking the File menu and then clicking Save Report, or pressing CTRL+S.

Viewing the report

To view the report, click the button or click the File menu and then click View Report. For information on viewing reports, see Viewing and Sending Dynamic Reports.

Changing the retrieval settings

To change the retrieval settings for the report, click the button or click the File menu and then click Retrieval Settings. For information on configuring the retrieval settings, see Defining Retrieval Settings for a Dynamic Report.

More information

For in-depth documentation of the features in the Report Designer, see Data Dynamics Reports Designer Documentation. To install the Samples and Walkthroughs that are referenced by this documentation, see \Sample Reports\HowTo.txt on the GainSeeker installation CD.

You may also want to try the Tutorial - Certificate of Analysis.